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On 28 July having sucessfully completed all exams and flying tests Enlisted
civilian pilot Gus Rabe reported to Central Flying School, Trenton Ontario for
advanced flight training. This base was the RCAF Service Training school
and was the first step to commission in the Air Force.

July 30, 1941
Military P.O. 303
Trenton, Ontario

Dear Ned,

Arrived here Monday at 05:00, this is a marvelous place, about the same as Randolph Field, but I think prettier. All buildings & hangers are white with red roofs. The post is a huge place called " Central Flying School " with about 5,000 personell. The organization and control is marvelous for such a place that is in a terrific state of expansion. Gussie sent me a picture of her Boarder, she looks rather nice. Told me of Jim's plan to stay in the service which I think is rather smart. If I can work it I'll do the same thing, as the post-war depression will no-doubt be the worst ever experienced and pilots won't be worth the powder to blow them to hell.