Military P.O. 303
Trenton, Ontario
Aug. 3 1941

Dear Ned,

Yesterday I shook hands with the Duke of Kent, they put on a hell of a show for him. Wanted to know where I was from & was amazed at finding so many chaps from the States.


Military P.O. 303
Trenton, Ont.
Aug. 10, 1941

Dear Ned,

Don't worry too much about the over-seas duty, as that is about the toughest thing to get outside of a decent pay check. Everyone is hoping to be sent over, but they all can't go. James Cagney is supposed to move into the house next door to us this week while they finish a picture that he is making.


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Aug. 19, 1941

Dear Ned,

I'm enclosing the clipping of a fellow I met in Montreal, who had his Cub at Cartierville Airport, Wats King, whose Cub I flew a couple of times. He was 27 years old & was one of the first in the Ferry Service. I was certainly surprised to see the paper when he was killed. He took more ships across than anyone else.
